Frozen landscapes

frozen music

Frozen city
Today the all city is frozen. I live on a hill (Croix-rousse), all the streets to go down are closed, people are sliding and the blue lights of emergency units make the fog look even colder.

Cold songs
I’m not a fan of « cold » music or frozing tracks. I’m more on the sunny side; it’s better for my morale!!
It’s the perfect weather to stay home and listen to the premiere release of Finnish Yacht Club Records.
Album art (For printing & portable devices) is available for free on, where the releases can also be purchased as CDs, FLACs and highest quality Mp3s.

Via Fairtilizer

4 réflexions au sujet de “Frozen landscapes”

  1. slt on s’est parlé a x rousses a propos du rip pour delia j’espere que comme tu nous l avais dit tu mettra un petit mot dessus .
    a bientot

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